- To his sister, Valentine, it was a positive thing because Valentine and Ender have a strong, loving relationship. Valentine would do anything for Ender and she is glad to have him as a brother. Ender being a third is a mostly positive thing to...Link: https://webpath.med.utah.edu/EXAM/LabMedCurric/LabMed02_10.html
- Ender felt frustrated at them because now there was no reason for him to be a third child. Peter must have noticed the frustration on his face and felt empathetic towards Ender. Peter wanted to tell him that he also knew what it felt like to be...Link: https://tagliochiropractic.com/3b9qomew/eade65-ninety7-jot-portable-battery-base-for-google-home-mini-review
- Chapter 3 — Graff 1. Question: What did Graff mean about evolution working against girls? Answer: When Graff said, ".. They don't often pass tests to get it. Too many centuries of evolution are working against them Answer: By leaving to fight in the war, Ender is letting go of all that he has and is bringing no possessions with him. Holding Graff's hand is used as a metaphor to show that he needs something to hold onto. Chapter 4 — Launch 1. For example, certain people grow food on crops that we eat, others make clothes that keep us warm, and we all depend on each other. Graff said this because he was trying to persuade Ender to join the battle school, and was telling him that people needed him to help them all survive.Link: https://thekinetictrainingacademy.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/unit-4-principles-of-efh-l2-mock-paper-answer-sheet-mar15-aug15.pdf
- Question: Explain the following quote: "Isolate him enough that he remains creative - otherwise he'll adopt the system here and we'll lose him. Answer: The isolation of Ender will make him believe that no one will be there to help him and he will have to be creative to find ways to fix his problems. If he were to adopt the system and think that someone will help him, he will lose the feeling of having to fend for himself. What does this incident tell us about Ender? Is it acceptable to do despicable things for survival? Why or why not? Answer: Ender didn't mean to break the boys arm, but in the null gravity he was flung back and landed on his arm. This tells that Ender has more strength than he thinks and can settle his own problems. I think that in most cases, it is acceptable to do despicable things because if it is a matter of life and death than what must be done is done, but if it is something so despicable that living after it would be worse, than it isn't acceptable.Link: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080415151729AAglZaq
- It can be negative to show feelings because it could make others feel bad or make you embarrassed For example, if someone did well on a test and let it show, others might feel bad or, if someone was sad and started crying, others might make fun of them. A positive thing about not showing feelings is that it could get a person out of a situation they don't want to be in and could teach a person how to control them self. It is negative to not show feelings because it could eventually make someone immune to feelings and become emotionless. Question: How did Ender beat Bernard? Is this an unusual solution to his problem? He wrote to all of the students an embarrassing message about Bernard and then wrote another one under Bernard's name. I think it's unusual, but clever because Ender did it without physically touching Bernard or speaking to Bernard an he did it anonymously. Question: List the different coping mechanisms ways of dealing with difficulties Ender shows. For each one describe whether the overall result of each is helpful or harmful to Ender.Link: https://banderasnews.com/0902/vl-agentorangeexam.htm
- If you don't know what Pong was, check it out here — and be sure to scroll down for the photo of the dad and son having just a golly gee whiz great time together playing Pong. And third, Card was fascinated by Civil War history and how important generals seemed to be. Then Card came up with a new way of training for war — the video games and laser tag — and built the story of Ender around that. And Ender is really the central issue when it comes to how people read this book…and why this book is controversial.Link: https://amazon.com/Cracking-Physics-Exam-2020-Preparation-ebook/dp/B07NCNX8ZS
- Well, it is. There are scenes in which kids graphically beat up other kids, so, yeah, the book is a little controversial. That seems a little unlikely to us. And Card says that theory is garbage. Oh, and from a certain point of view, Ender looks kind of like Jesus saves people, sacrifices part of his childhood. Does your life suck? Do your parents and your teachers keep telling you what to do — while at the same time telling you that this your teens and early twenties are the best time of your life? Well, Ender knows how you feel.Link: https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs188/sp09/exams/midterm-fa08-solution.pdf
- OK, his situation is a little more extreme than most of our lives. Think about it: if we take away the aliens and the problems of the future, what do we have? We have someone who has to deal with bullies. We have someone who feels lonely and homesick. Sure, Ender has it rough in some ways, and we all know what that feels like. But Ender also has it pretty good in plenty of other ways, and hopefully we know what that feels like, too. For instance, Ender may feel lonely at school, and he may have enemies, but he knows his sister loves him still, and it turns out that some of his classmates really care about him also.Link: http://holox.guru/playspace-pdfminer-doorbell/ccc-applicant-forum.html
- Ender's game question chapters Chapter 1 — Third 1. What attitude motivates the adults to lie to Ender? The attitude that motivates the adults to lie to Ender is to test him and see if he can handle himself without the monitor, and he did so they also lied to him about not going into battle school, but only for a day. This attitude was an attitude to try to save the world, Graff and the fleet need a commander to save the human race next time the buggers invade, and so they needed to test Ender. Explain what it seems to mean for Ender to be born a "Third". Show whether this is a negative or positive fact to: What it means for Ender to be born a third is that he is an outcast to the world, and to his parents a mark of what they want because of religion and can't have because of the government's rules. His parents still love him, but he is a mark of shame. Ender would be illegal to the government except that they need a genius to lead the International Fleet, and Ender's parent's genes mix to create Geniuses.Link: http://rehab203kloan.com/fha-203k-loan-question-and-answer.php
- To his brother, Peter this is a mark that he failed to become the leader of IF, and he is not good enough. Peter hates Ender because of this and is very jealous of him. Ender's sister, Valentine loves Ender unconventionally, and doesn't care that he is a third. To his classmates Ender is an outcast, and a sign that they are all stupid compared to him, thirds are illegal in this country, because of overpopulation and the war with the Buggers, so Ender stands for bad things to his classmates.Link: https://accessengineeringlibrary.com/content/book/9780071830829/back-matter/appendix1
- Chapter 2 — Peter 1. Was Peter joking when he threatened Ender and Valentine? Support your answer with evidence from the novel. I don't think Peter was joking when he threatened Ender and Valentine even though he said he wasn't. I think the only reason he said he was joking was because Valentine threatened him back, " I do mean it" Peter said " whatever you think I mean it. And when he was dead, I didn't know it would kill Valentine too.Link: https://std.uw.edu/page/qb/question/pathogen-based/hsv/4
- I can make you guys believe anything. I think Peter's behavior at the end of the chapter is so completely different because he actually regrets the way he is, but he can't help it. I also think that being cruel is just his shell , and for some reason he doesn't want people to think he is soft, so he goes too far in the other direction. He obviously told Ender he is sorry and he loves him then, because he thought he was sleeping. How do you feel about each of these characters Ender, Valentine, Peter? What did the author do to help create these feelings? I feel pity for Peter because he seems completely evil and mean, but at the end of chapter two he says how he is " I feel respect, and awe to Ender, and also like I am similar to him, because in a lot of books the Author tries to make the protagonist relatable so you can get into the character's shoes better and enjoy the story.Link: https://socratic.org/questions/what-is-the-z-score-of-0-05
- I feel awe for Ender because he is a six year old who, is bored in class because he learned arithmetic at three years old. I respect him for the same reason, he is a genius. The author doesn't let you get to know Valentine very well, but the way I feel about her is like a child's feeling towards a mother. I also feel like she is very kind. I feel this way because she is very nurturing to Ender, and protects him from Peter. I also think she has a very strong bond with Ender because when he left she was very sad. Come back to me I love you forever! What did Graff mean about evolution working against girls? What Graff meant about evolution working against girls is that girls have evolved to be strong with childbirth, but they have evolved with weaker muscle development and strength because in the human race men are naturally stronger, and have evolved to protect the women.Link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Hvg8xjNsosU
- Also our technologies evolved many men and some women thought and think that because women are weaker they need to stay at home and perform tasks such as cooking and cleaning, so they have also evolved a small amount to perform those tasks, so they are still weaker in this less sexist time. This means that Men are more fit to work in the IF because they are physically superior to women. Ender is leaving to learn how to fight a war, yet he takes Graff's hand. I think OSC includes this action, because it shows Ender isn't as hard as rock, and he is still a little bow vulnerable to emotions like fear, and anxiety. I also think this action is included because it is one of Ender's last human lovey dovey moment.Link: https://chegg.com/homework-help/questions-and-answers/evaluate-financial-statements-company-djy-2-calculate-net-operating-profit-tax-net-operati-q9137025
- Chapter 4 — Launch 1. The battle school is training Ender to be the ultimate battle commander, on the other side of this training, the battle school is training Ender to be the ultimate tool against the buggers A. A the ultimate tool for the survival of humans. Explain the following quote: "Isolate him enough that he remains creative - otherwise he'll adopt the system here and we'll lose him. This quote means that if Ender adopts the system at the battle school he will lose his creativity, this means that he will become a leader of group but depend on other people in his group, gain friends, and get caught in the drama and hardship of battle school. The way Graff wants to solve this problem is by isolating Ender from his group every time he adopts and makes friends with his war games comrades. What does this incident tell us about Ender?Link: https://hkeaa.edu.hk/en/hkdse/assessment/subject_information/
- Is it acceptable to do despicable things for survival? Why or why not? Ender consciously didn't mean to break the other boy's arms but subconsciously he did mean to break his arm, because it would stop his attempts to annoy Ender. What this incident tells about Ender is that he can be brutal if provoke, and he doesn't like to permit intolerable things done to him at all. I think it's acceptable to do despicable things for survival because it is human nature to survive no matter what, and if someone provokes, they're usually trying to get a response, and if you respond violently they were kind of asking for it.Link: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/amoxicillin
- Chapter 5 — Games 1. Ender works hard to express his feelings in private and not show homesickness in front of any other person. Is it healthy for him or not? What is positive and what is negative about showing feelings? What is positive and what is negative about not showing feelings? I think it is unhealthy for Ender to not show homesickness, because if he kept his grief and sorrow to himself it makes the grief and sorrow worse if he is alone with your negative thoughts. What's positive about showing feelings is that others can relate to Ender and help him with his grief and he can make it through his hard times.Link: https://coursehero.com/file/27132376/MWH-Unit-2-Test-Reviewdocx/
- What's negative about not showing feelings is that he will suffer with his grief. What's positive about not showing feelings is that others won't know that Ender has grief, and won't think he is weak because they won't find out. How did Ender beat Bernard? Is this an unusual solution to his problem? Ender's beats Bernard by creating a fake account on the desk messaging system and humiliating him with insults that everyone enjoys. This is an unusual solution to the problem because Ender solves this problem with his intelligence, instead of his physical abilities and in the end he discovers that using his brain works better. List the different coping mechanisms ways of dealing with difficulties Ender shows.Link: https://fortbendisd.com/finearts
- After discovering a Formic base on asteroid Eros , war breaks out between the humans and Formics. The humans achieve a narrow victory, but fearing future threats of a Formic invasion, create the International Fleet I. Andrew "Ender" Wiggin is born a "Third": a rare exception to Earth's two-child policy, allowed by the government due to the promise shown by his two older siblings. The eldest, Peter , is a highly intelligent sociopath who sadistically bullies Ender.Link: https://udemy.com/course/oracle-1z0-324-talco-recruiting-cloud-service-practice-exam-x/
- His sister, Valentine , is more sympathetic towards him. The I. He is bullied by a fellow student, Stilson, but Ender turns violent and attacks him. Unknown to Ender, Stilson later dies from his wounds. Colonel Hyrum Graff visits Ender after hearing about the fight. Ender attests that by showing superiority now, he has prevented future struggle.Link: https://fazzi.com/education-training/board-certified-home-health-coder/
- Ender's jealous ex-commander, Bonzo Madrid, draws him into a fight outside the simulation, and once again seeking to preemptively stop future conflicts, Ender uses excessive force. Like Stilson before him Bonzo dies from his injuries and this facts is hidden from Ender. Meanwhile on Earth, Peter Wiggin uses a global communication system to post political essays under the pseudonym " Locke ", hoping to establish himself as a respected orator and then as a powerful politician.Link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33360751/difference-between-the-result-of-the-sum-in-the-always-block-and-combinational-m
- Valentine, despite not trusting Peter, agrees to publish alongside him as the more radical " Demosthenes ". Their essays are soon taken seriously by the government and influence Earth's politics. Though Graff is told their true identities, he recommends that it be kept a secret, because their writings are politically useful. Ender, now ten years old, is promoted to Command School on Eros after a brief respite on Earth. After some preliminary battles in the simulator, he is introduced to Mazer Rackham , a hero from the Formic war who saw key patterns in the Formic behavior. Ender participates in space combat simulations created and controlled by Mazer.Link: http://math.ubc.ca/Ugrad/pastExams/Files/312_2009WT1.pdf
- As the skirmishes become harder, he is joined by some of his friends from the Battle School as sub-commanders. Despite this, Ender becomes depressed by the battles, his isolation, and by the way Mazer treats him. For his final test, under observation by I. Hoping to earn himself expulsion from the school for his ruthlessness, he sacrifices his entire fleet to fire a Molecular Disruption Device at the planet. The Device completely destroys the planet and the surrounding bugger fleet. He is shocked to hear the I. Mazer informs Ender that the "simulations" he has been fighting were real battles, directing human spacecraft against Formic fleets via an ansible 's instantaneous communication, and that Ender has won the war. Ender becomes more depressed on learning this, realizing that he has committed genocide.Link: https://nrc.gov/docs/ML1620/ML16209A322.pdf
- Ender spends several weeks isolated before recovering, and learns that once news of the Formic homeworld destruction reached Earth, Earth's powers began fighting among themselves. Ender is prevented from returning home as he would be exploited by Peter and other politicians to fulfill their own purposes. Instead, he remains on Eros, which becomes a launch point for colonization of former Formic worlds.Link: http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/baldwin/webbugs/ENY%202040/video%20review%20final%20exam%20no%20answers.pdf
Monday, June 7, 2021
Ender's Game Test Answers
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